Sunday, November 14, 2010

Symposium on climate change

Contribution of SanAg FITS Center on Climate Change Issue

…the conceptualization

Today’s most conversed issue is about climate change. People may have different perception about the issue and some of them won’t even believe that it’s already happening now in the world. Even though it is most discussed topic, many youngsters don’t even know exactly what the issue mean to them is. There are several concern agencies, sectors, personalities or individual who actually do their part initially to at least minimize the global climate changes.
The Local Government Unit of San Agustin is one that is alarmed of the so-called issue and thru the SanAg FITS Center; they conducted series of symposiums targeted the high schools and elementary grade V & VI pupils. The Local Government believes that through dissemination of information about climate change and how to mitigate these changes would opened the eyes of these youth that they can do their share to save the Mother Earth as well.

The Impact of the Symposium

The group of SanAg FITS personnel together with the CCARRD staff jointly facilitated the activity. It was done first in Saint Augustine High School, followed by the Sto.Nino National High School then Gata Elementary V & VI & Integrated High School, Salvacion National High School and the rest of Elementary schools were facilitated by the FITS staffs. According to the students as well as the Teachers of the school where we conducted the symposiums that they already heard and aware about the issue but the information are indistinct because in their perception, global warming is the same with climate change. They also knew about green house effect and what those greenhouse gases are. Though they already aware of that, but what the FITS & CCARRD staff did were contributed a relevant and additional information to them. In Saint Augustine High School, they raised a lot of questions concerning the programs of the government and what are the actions done or to be taken by the government; be it national or local in response to the alarming issue. Though the facilitators are not capable or not the concern individual to answer their queries but then these students and Teachers got a satisfactory response from the facilitator. Despite the fact that they have questioned the support of the government, they still expressed their gratitude for the opportunity that their school has been conducted this kind of symposium. They also presented their plans and the current programs of the school in response to global issues. These programs included the tree planting, collecting of garbage before the flag ceremony or after and encourage the students not to burn garbage instead to re-use and recycled things. The Teachers also instructed the students to make a reflection relevant to the topics. The FITS Manager also announced and persuaded the students to join the poster making and essay writing as part of the culmination and was done during the finale of Farmers and Fisherfolks’ Forum held last August 25-26, 2010. The Essay Writing & Poster Making anchored to the Theme of the Forum, Re: “Sustained Agro ecosystems Natural dynamics: an Adaptation mechanism for Global climate change thru Utilization of site Specific Technologies, Indigenous knowledge & Nature’s wellness… Genuine Organic Agriculture”. As part of the team, what we have accomplished was indeed inspired me to be more keen in the Information dissemination specifically to the youth who will play a big role in saving our Mother Earth.


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